A comprehensive range of medical and healthcare services are available including Women’s, child and family health as well as chronic disease management, immunisation, ECG and spirometry testing and medicals. Home visits are available for existing patients whose condition prevents them from attending the practice. Allied Health services include an Audiologist, Dietitian, Optometrist, Podiatrist, Physiotherapist and Psychologist. We also have pathology available on site.


Womens Health

We strongly encourage all women to engage our services relating to women specific health care. We can help to improve...

Mental Health Plans

If you have mental health issues, we can tailor a mental health plan for you. It can identify what type...

Men’s Health

Men are often reluctant to visit a medical centre for any reason. This does not however mean they’re immune to...

Children’s Health

Health Check-ups A regular checkup performed by a trained healthcare provider is essential in not just identifying emerging issues, but...

Family Health

Health Assessments and Checks The healthy family is a happy family. Contact us today about arranging a comprehensive family health...

Aboriginal Health

We’re equipped to handle health matters specific to local indigenous communities. Please call for more details regarding this service or...

Vaccinations & Immunisations

Vaccinations and Immunisations We offer a fully managed immunisation and vaccination service at our practice. This process is fast, hassle...


If you qualify as a veteran then it’s important you get the assistance you deserve. We are highly skilled in...

Allied Health

The Allied Health specialists that visit our practice include an Audiologist, Podiatrist, Physiotherapist and Psychologist

Onsite Pathology

Sullivan Nicolaides Pathology are co-located within the practice and are open Monday to Friday 7am – 3pm

Occupational Health Care

Workers Compensation Our fully trained health practitioners can help workers recover following a workplace injury or related illness. If you...

Dermatology & Skin Care

Primary Care Dermatology – skin disease Whilst self-inspection for skin diseases is encouraged, self-diagnosis should never be practiced. Get in...

Keloid Scar Treatment

Keloid Scar Treatment - treatment of keloid scarring to soften, flatten and remove symptoms of pain and irritation.